Practice writing the letter I with these letter I tracing worksheets. Free printables for preschool, kindergarten, and first graders.
Make letter tracing fun with these worksheets. Each one has an image that your kids can color.
I is for insect, iguana, ice, and iris! Which one is your favorite?
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Learning how to write each letter takes a lot of practice. Crayons and markers are great writing utensils to start with as your child builds fine motor skills.
Before using these tracing worksheets with your kids, make sure they know how to properly form the letter I.
These letter formation cards are great to use along with these worksheets!
To print, click the button below the worksheet you want to print to bring up a PDF version. Each worksheets fits a standard 8 ½ by 11 inch piece of paper.
Kids can write on the worksheets directly or you can place them within a plastic sleeve. These washable crayons (I love these!) or makers can be used directly on clear plastic pockets.
A great pre-writing activity is to have you child trace over each letter using their finger. Then they can write over each using a writing utensil.
Letter I Tracing
Each sheet has both capital and lowercase letter i. On the first worksheet, kids can follow the guidelines on the large letters on the top half of the page. Then they can practice tracing the smaller letters below.
I is for Ice on this letter worksheet. Instead of lines, young learners can trace then write each letter within the boxes. A great worksheet for preschool and kindergarten aged kids.
There are plenty of letter I's for your child to trace on this next printable. Two sets of lines to practice capital letters. Then two sets of lines for lowercase letter i. Don't forget to color in the beautiful picture of an iris at the top of the page!
Young children LOVE leaning about insects. This I is for Insects letter tracing worksheet is sure to be a hit with young bug enthusiasts! Below the dotted letters, kids can practice writing them on their own.
On the last worksheet, young kids can color in the large iguana at the bottom of the page. At the top, they can trace then write the letter i's along with the word iguana. It would be fun to draw a scene in the background to go with the iguana.
Additional Activities
Learning about the letter I with your kids? Exploring each letter of the alphabet is a fun way to study each letter!
- Insect Books for Kids- explore the world of bugs and insects with these educational bug books for kids.
- Insect and Bug Bingo Game- Free printable bingo game for kids in preschool through elementary. A fun way to explore all types of bugs!
You can find a whole collection of Literacy Activities all in one spot!
Ready for more letters? Make sure to check out Letter G and Letter H along with Letter J and Letter K.
Terms of Use
These printables were created by Nature Inspired Learning and are for personal use only for your home, classroom, or public library. All of these free letter i tracing sheets are for non-commercial use. See full disclosure.
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