Practice place value with these ones tens hundreds thousands charts. Perfect as math mats for kids!
If you are learning about place value up to the thousands place with your kids these free charts are for you.
These math charts can help young learners explore number sense. Perfect for children in 3rd and 4th grade.
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How to Use
Understanding that each digit within a number holds a value based on its position is an important concept for kids to grasp. Charts along with hands-on math manipulatives can make this idea more concrete.
For example: with the number 2,345 you can break apart each of the digits.
2 is in the thousands place, 3 is in the hundreds, 4 is in the tens, and 5 is in the ones place.
- 1,000 X 2 = 2,000
- 100 X 3 = 300
- 10 X 4 = 40
- 1 X 5 = 5
When you add up all of the values for the individual digits you get 2,345 as an amount. This means you have 2,345 of what ever item you are counting.
Maybe you have 2,345 total flowers in your garden (which would be awesome) or maybe you have 2,345 rocks in your driveway.
Helpful Tips
Kids love using basic manipulatives such as this base ten set with these place value charts.
You can even use something as simple as these math cubes or any small object including stones to show amount. Of course, it would be challenging to count out 1,000 but you can use them for smaller amounts.
As a former math and science teacher I remember how excited kids would get to use hands-on manipulatives during math lesson. Its an easy way to make learning place value fun.
How to Print
- Click the button below the chart to bring up a pdf version
- Print off using your computer
Pair with additional math learning resources including: hundreds chart and multiplication table
All of these math printables are printer friendly and use a minimal amount of ink. You can even 3 hole punch one of the versions and keep it in a math binder.
Printable Charts
Looking for more math activities for kids? Make sure to check out the entire collection of math printables.
Terms of Use
These free printables were created by Nature Inspired Learning and are for personal use only for your home, classroom, or public library. All of these place value charts are for non-commercial use. See full disclosure.
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